Have questions? We have answers.

UKG stands for Ultimate Kronos Group. This name came out of a merger between two companies, Ultimate Software and Kronos.
UKG2022 is the implementation project that will combine all Troon divisions into one HR system. The overarching goal of the project is to Unify the divisions, provide a single platform of Knowledge and information and set the company up for continued Growth. The Go Live date is a dynamic date with some features being turned on and accessible in quarter 4 of 2021 with the full launch date being January 1, 2022.
Why is Troon changing HR systems?
Since 2014, Troon has grown 500% and has completed 14 acquisitions. With that growth comes growing pains, we are now on 7 different payroll platforms and numerous other legacy solutions. We’ve heard your struggles regarding access to data, challenges regarding scheduling, and difficulty communicating with your teams. To become more agile, we’ve partnered with UKG to become our single source of truth for all things people (recruiting, onboarding, time and attendance, payroll, benefits, etc.). Over the next year, you’ll be hearing and seeing a lot of new things. With UKG, you will be able to spend more time with your associates and our clients building relationships and elevating service levels versus working on numerous administrative tasks. The associates themselves will have more accessibility to things that matter to them. How can we help this transition be easier for you and your team?
UKG is an all-encompassing HR software system that is made up of several different modules. UKG Pro is the module and core site that houses Payroll, Training and Development, Onboarding, Employee Records, and Reporting. UKG Dimensions is the module that covers Timekeeping, Scheduling, and Time Off.
How is UKG different from my current HR system?
UKG Pro is a self-service system where associates can login to their account to update direct deposit, address and contact information, tax withholding and much more! Associates can also access their account to view pay statements, benefit enrollments and documents such as 1095-c’s, and payroll documents such as W-2’s and 1099’s.
UKG Dimensions will be the new system for timekeeping, scheduling, and requesting time off.
The new training platform will be through UKG Pro and will be accessibly by logging in to your UKG Pro account. This is where associates will be able to complete their compliance training such as anti-harassment and other training. You will also be able to access navigational training.
Onboarding will now be conducted through UKG Pro. During the onboarding process employees will now be able to sign off on policies and documents.
UKG Pro also acts as a communication platform and business workflows.
What do I need to do now?
For now, we ask that you stay tuned to our website UKG2022.com for updates and changes. We will send out communication throughout the project with steps that you can take to prepare yourself for the new system.
Who do I contact if I have questions?
We have developed a team of change champions. There will be a change champion at each location for associates to go to with questions that they may have. Change Champions may not have all of the answers, but they will be able to point you in the right direction or provide a timeline on when your question will be answered. You can also email the Change Management Team at UKG2022@troon.com.
What are the business reasons for the change to UKG?
We are currently on 7 different systems and have heard your struggles regarding access to data, communicating with your associates, and challenges related to scheduling. We decided as an organization that we needed a way to be proactive, accessible, and scalable in terms of our HR system. UKG will allow us to be proactive when it comes to proposing solutions in advance of challenges, accessible to all associates in terms of usability and data, and scalable with every new property and acquisition.
What’s in it for me (WIIFM) as an associate?
- All associates will be able to access training, scheduling, personal information, paystubs, PTO requests, W-2’ and 1099’s. Only one login will be required to get to all of this information!
- With UKG, we will have the resources to easily match positions with employee capabilities and provide better career planning and growth opportunities to our amazing associates.
- Associates will have more access which will allow for more independence.
- A more seamless and user-friendly system results in less time spent behind the computer and more time spent with our clients and guests!
- Associates will have the ability to access their UKG account anytime from anywhere!
- Associates will have the ability to download a mobile app to their smart phone and access training, timecards, and so much more!
What are Change Champions?
Change Champions are instrumental in our overall success with UKG2022. They will be the first to know what’s happening with UKG2022 and will have direct access to the UKG2022 leadership. We all know that change brings stress and uncertainty with it. We also know that there are those within the workplace who will find it overwhelming and those who will embrace the change. It can be really difficult as a leader to know how to help those who struggle with the challenge of change and even more difficult at times to change attitudes; people make judgements about the value of change and decide whether they see it as a positive or negative thing. That is where you come in! Look out for those individuals who have taken a positive perception of changes. Then, harness their motivation and positivity and use it to try and help bring along those who feel more reluctant toward the changes ahead. We might call these people “champions for change.” The closer a Change Champion is to the key stakeholders in the change, the greater the chances of success.
What are the Champion’s responsibilities during change?
During this project, we will be engaging with Change Champions to do the following:
- Understand the change and the impact on employees
- Understand the key project milestones and timeline
- Attend monthly meetings, as required
- Access onboarding information
- Assist with disseminating project communications and provide feedback
- Attend focus group sessions to prepare for testing and training
- Participate in UAT (User Acceptance Testing)
- Participate in e-learning training before all employees
- Become super users of the UKG system to answer basic associate questions
- Provide ongoing support to colleagues Post Go Live
- Support new hires with UKG e-learning training and questions during onboarding
How much time should Champions expect to dedicate to UKG2022?
Change Champions should expect to dedicate 1-2 hours per week from June to August, and then 2-3 hours per week to project-related activities around September through December.
Heavy involvement with associate questions and support is expected around go-live in January 2022. More details around time commitment for go live will be shared on a later communication.
What criteria should a Change Champion have to be successful?
Ideal Change Champions should:
- Have worked at their location for more than 2 years.
- Have availability to attend meetings and training sessions, as required
- Be able to translate the overall change vision for their team
- Act as a positive role model for the project
- Be able to identify and respond to resistance to change
- Be able to provide timely feedback to the change management team
- Be charismatic and influential
- Be trusted and respected by colleagues and seen as a ‘go to’ person
As a Change Champion, should I speak with associates outside of my department or at other facilities?
Yes, we need to reach all 22,000 associates. If you have an opportunity to speak with any associate about UKG, please do so. You and point them to the website, www.ukg2022.com for more information.
What is the process we are using for Change Management?
ADKAR – Awareness / Desire / Knowledge / Ability / Reinforcement
When is the official go-live date?
January 1, 2022
What is the roll-out timeline?
See the
resources page on the website for the Timeline Rollout Summary document.
- Awareness phase is June-July.
- Desire phase is late June-August.
- Knowledge phase (training) is September, November, January.
- Reinforcement is November-February and beyond.
How will Troon support us as we transition to UKG?
We are committed to providing you with:
- Active and visible sponsors
- Continuous communication on all important milestones and activities
- Job aids to assist with common tasks
- Training videos to help you visualize the processes before you have to complete them in the system
- Data conversion: All of the data from the current 7 systems is being converted and loaded onto the new UKG system to make it a seamless transition as possible.
Will anything with UKG impact our operating budget?
The current service billing models are different across our existing platforms. We are evaluating the financial impact to the different brands and should have additional information in September (in time for 2022 budget) on the change to fees and rates for services that would begin 1/1/2022. In general, to the best of our knowledge at this point in time, there should not be a significant change in cost, but there may be changes in how fees are billed
What language support will the system provide?
Currently, the UKG platform is available in Danish, German, English, French, Italian, Malay, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish. More languages could be added by UKG in the future.
Will there be a test system where we can get some hands-on training?
No, however, hands-on training will be provided via task-based software simulations that will allow you to click through recorded screens to complete a common task. We will also have a few smaller testing groups that will participate in virtual meetings to provide feedback on the ease of use and other topics.
Will fiscal year clubs have a lag in shared services cost impact until the next fiscal year?
Please see previous question. Any change in shared services should will take effect on whatever date those annual changes normally take effect.
How will tips be handled?
Tips can be entered by Associates or Managers in the UKG timecard.
Does UKG have an app? If yes, can it be used on Apple and Android phones?
Yes and yes
Will UKG replace our expense reporting?
Will all of the uploaded files be brought over as well as certs and renewal dates for certs?
Core HR data will be converted to UKG. There is a separate project to figure out how to archive and sunset existing systems.
As a Change Champion, how do you want us to “communicate” to associates at our locations or in our department?
We expect that Change Champions communicate via word of mouth, posting flyers and other information we provide, and share insights to what we discuss in our monthly meetings and any collateral we provide you. All of this communication should be done during work hours and any training or meetings that we ask you to attend should be completed during work hours. We are not requiring you to send emails to personal email addresses.
When will I receive more communications and collateral on the changes that are coming?
As we move through the implementation of the system we will share more information and develop more flyers regarding the changes ahead. This will include information on training and the UKG Learn system, self-service, time keeping and payroll, and so much more! We will be hosting meetings each month leading up to Go-Live so stay tuned for more updates.
What if I have a question regarding Payroll, IT, Accounting, or HR?
We know that many aspects of the organization are changing within various departments. We are your dedicated UKG Change Management Team and are only able to speak on topics that involve UKG. For specific questions regarding payroll, IT, accounting, or HR please reach out to via your normal process with these questions and they will be able to help answer them.